I hate how the font is either too big or too small on this blog. What happened to a normal size font that doesn't look like the font just exploded on your face? Like, seriously blogspot?
To make that negative nancy post into a positive paula post, on the bright side I had the best banana ever, which has made this already excellent day even more fantastic. My body's been craving fruits other than apples and prunes, and man that banana hit the spot. I've never just stopped and savored any food so much before...Like I took a bite and had to stop in the middle of my questionable location. Magical. Then I dropped in a trashcan next to a lady and she started yelling at me so I ran away.
2 assumptions you may have:
1. I am obsessed with blogging since I just posted something: so clearly wrong. false. at least for now.
2. What the hell is up with "negative nancy" and "positive paula"? I actually just made up the latter- kinda lame, any suggestions? Idk, it's kinda funny. And for icebreaker games, if you need to match your name with an adjective and these happen to be your names, you're good to go (I hope my mom doesn't get offended). I'm a huge fan of this new one though, "dumbass donald".
I think "crabby carl" should be added to the list.