Happy Thanksgiving lovely people! Today was a joyous day filled with too much food, friendship, and enough silliness to make me laugh hard enough to help move down the turkey in my estomago! I ATE SO MUCH FOOD I CANNOT BREATHE AS I WRITE THIS. AND I FINISHED DINNER 4 HOURS AGO! We made thanksgiving dinner for about 80 people starting from last night and i was on the baking crew. we made 21 pies! apple pies, pumpkin pies, and sweet potato pies. the pumpkin turned out the best... so we cooked all night and today it was great. we woke up and wrote what we were thankful for on hand turkeys and a camera crew taped us. We ended up on the China news later that night! my 3 seconds of fame! I played banana grams, WORKED OUT, napped, and just fooled around.... ha. anyways the menu for thanksgiving dinner was cranberry sauce, spicy cranberry sauce, turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, bomb stuffing, green bean casserole, purple sweet potatoes, gravy. the pies. i had 5 slices of pie. omg. it was awesome. i mean, people say they eat a lot but really they don't compared to me. And also its obnoxious when girls get all self conscious when they wanna get seconds. Thats bull shit. WHO GIVES A SHIT?! 1. its thanksgiving.- you're supposed to eat too much 2. its clearly the spotlight effect. and 3. it doesn't matter if someone thinks you're eating too much. the only person who should matter is yourself. and maybe your mom.... but she'll still love you. Back to thanksgiving- we also have chinese buddies so we all ate together and it was great. i get delirious when im tired and when i eat too much so i was just speaking weird chinese. i dont even know chinese. i learned all the essentials though. such as "you are crazy, you are awesome, you are not handsome, hello, friend, awesome, and i'm sorry" YEAH!
Its been a great day but having Thanksgiving out of state was odd. out of the country is even weirder. I really do miss you guys. However, it was really lovely spending it with people I love and with others who have now become my pac rim fambam. we're all a lil homesick but its nice how we have each other. i'm thankful for my family, friends, and the opportunity to travel the world. I'm thankful for having people in my life who make me smile. I'm also thankful for my stretchy pants. We all had food babies and my face is a little rounder. but whatever. more to love. Love all around! seriously!
its 10:50 p.m.and we decided to get another slice of pie.... out diet starts tomorrow... after we eat all the pie and leftovers for breakfast!
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